Friday, August 3, 2007

Tomorrow is the future and that bitch is bright

Tomorrow I return to Yankee Stadium and I can't wait. As I type, A-rod has still not hit 500 and I get to watch Phil Hughes. The future of the Yankees. I got a feeling I'm going to be a happy man leaving that game tomorrow. A-Rod will go deep for 5 hundo and I'm getting a preview of the future. Phil Hughes will not only be good he will be great. You don't hear this many people sweat a player and the guy suck. Not only that but he already has done some sick shit. How many guys pitch 7 innings of no hit ball in there 2nd start? Not many... Going to be fun....Enjoy it tomorrow fans, where ever you may be get a radio or a tv because A-rod is joining the five hundred club and the future is showing up in the present form. On another note love the spot the Yankees are in right now. They have smashed up the bad teams for the most part and I look forward to the tougher part of the schedule. Bring it!

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